Saturday, September 23, 2006

Christensen’s Disruptors

There is a theory postulated by Clayton Christensen, a Harvard Business School professor, that there could be a few products or systems that create entirely new markets, new demands and displace established providers. His view was that in a current market there is only a certain “performance” increment that customer from a certain tier, would demand from their suppliers and providers; however, his theory is that there are innovators in the ‘supplier’ companies who would bring in higher performant technology that outstrips the ability of customers in those tiers of the market to absorb it. This implies that these large companies/providers are pushed towards serving the higher tier of the market that needs such performance; and thus these companies are pushed to create a niche for themselves. As the larger companies move towards the higher tiers of the market, it creates opportunities for smaller and more agile companies to enter the lower tier of the market with ‘disruptive technologies’ that lends to simpler, easier and a "fit" (and perhaps cheaper) product, which may not be highly performant as the ‘niche’ above. His theory also states was that the bigger companies are so absorbed with focused innovations addressed to their most sophisticated and profitable customers in the higher tiers, that they miss the disruptive innovations. When such companies with disruptive technologies intersect with the appropriate vehicle (such as internet) can create a disruptive business model and can blind-side most of the established companies. Christensen believes that disruptors have caused many established companies fail and go south.

[Above pic from Wikipedia]

Well, what has this got to do with my blog ? I always thought that there are few things that would stop me from blogging – one, that I’m so busy that I do not find time to do anything else (“yeah right”, you go). Second, I finally decide to settle down in a place where there is no internet (‘wake up Rip van Winkle, its 21st century”, you say). Third, my creative juices (“stop smirking”, I say) dry up and I just blocked from writing (“most likely”, you concur).

That’s what I thought too. But then, I got blindsided by this technology that has disrupted me. The technology of computers, displays and keyboards – most here being the keyboard – I seem to have RSI (or CRI) that seems to have aggravated by a tendon tear on my left shoulder – so the doc thinks. I was adviced to adopt right posture, ergonomics and type less – I believe he left out the “and think more” part.

Ps: The weave between Clayton Christensen theory and this blog may be pretty thin. But what the heck, I liked the theory and wanted to introduce it in the blog ! :-)

Monday, September 18, 2006

Quo Vadis ?

This where I am (other than being here), this September…

I am reading:

  • Open Secrets – India’s Intelligence unveiled by Maloy Krishna Dhar
  • Shotokan's secret – The hidden truth behind Karate's fighting origin by Dr.Bruce Clayton
  • Too Loud, Too Bright, Too Fast, Too Tight by Sharon Heller

I am listening to:

  • My wife, as always…
  • Byrds, Kadri Gopalnath on the CD Changer (Turn, Turn, Turn – both lyrically and musically is just a great song)
  • Old Tamil Songs, PF, Eagles, S&G in my car
  • Bruce S, Enigma etc on the PC (if I ever get around to sit at my desk)

I am amused by:

  • People who are amused that Lalu has been invited to IIM, having pigeon-hole’d him
  • This picture joke that someone sent me
  • How we argue D/L method is a useless one when India loses one on that

I am amazed by (or I'm humbled by):

  • The creativity in the blog-land
  • The complexity of creating a new business

I am frustrated by:

  • Being part of Bangalore’s traffic problem – I’m going with the flow (eh ?)
  • Having to temporarily suspend Karate due to injury and having to opt for poor substitute (running)
  • The complexity of creating a new business

I am intrigued by and drawn to:

  • The mysticism of oriental martial arts
  • The economic opportunity in India
  • The complexity of creating a new business

I am impressed by:

  • New breed of Tamil directors who experiment themes that aren’t black and white and dwelve in wide spectrum of grey (saw பட்டியல், திருட்டு பையலே, தலைநகரம் recently)
  • Vijay’s comic timing in கில்லி (reminded me of Rajni in தம்பிக்கு எந்த ஊரு)

I am still impressed by (continue to be):

  • Dravid’s Technique and his level-headed approach
  • Watching US Open and
  • Wimbledon, Federer’s brilliance, even when he is struggling (make that quadruple-y impressed)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Anyone here know north east corner of Harmony and College ?
Anyone here know about such a corner in Fort Collins ?
Anyone here know what/where is Fort Collins ?

Fort Collins is a sleepy old university town about 80miles north of Denver, at the foothills of the Rockies. With a total population of people equivalent to what you can find in Commercial street in Bangalore during festival times.

The monument (in the picture alongside), that exists in the north east corner of the Harmony and College road in Fort Collins has significant historical importance. If not for the whole world, it does definitely for me. For everyone else, its a gast station, for me its something more...


This was one of the typical new year resolutions that one vows at the start of every new year and by Pongal the resolution goes 'govinda, goinda'. I had unerringly taken this resolution every year. At one time, I had even made it upto தமிழ் new years day. It was a cycle that was repeated nicely and I was in a groove (or rut - but then, thats a point of view). Then, in a flash of brilliance, a colleague of mine and I decided to have that resolve starting that very next week. He did get through, but I followed my usual resolution pattern and broke it within the first 5 days itself.

Then I had to travel to Fort Collins on work. My supply from India lasted the whole week nicely. On that fateful "good" friday my supplies eventually ran out. On way back from work, to replenish it, I had stopped at this monument.

Then at the spur of the moment, I stepped out without buying that pack of Marlboro; I had walked out of that gas station. I had quit smoking. It was 6th Sept 1996.


I am in Fort Collins. Today as I drove with another colleague of mine through that spot, I had pointed that out to him. Then I realized it was Sept 6th, exactly 10 years after.

I recall somone who had asked me what my achievement was (please note the singular inference in their question); Ignoring their hints, I tell them its two of them. One, that I quit smoking. Two..., well its covered elsewhere in the blog as "Black Thursday".

Perhaps, five years from now, I'd still be writing - blogs or otherwise; if that happens, that would be the third; or even learn to play a musical instrument !!

Enough for a lifetime, I guess...

ps: For another day, i'll probably write on test of temptations during the first two weeks, after quitting...